Direct Connection (Apr ’24)

A beat like a heart’s throughout. An honesty and energy that rocks us. An inspiring aloneness amid a gathering of pleasure and pure connection.

The characters in Laura Farmer’s debut short story collection are all moving through seasons of change, either in the present-day or the recent past: the loss of a spouse, entry into recovery, a new professional path. As we follow this diverse group of Iowa characters, each grappling with their own personal journeys of loss and hope, Farmer finds light and meaning in the small, everyday moments that make a life.

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Reviews & Interviews

Coming Soon.

About Laura Farmer

LAURA FARMER’S fiction has appeared in the Antioch Review, Camas, The Iowa Review, North American Review, and other journals. She directs the Dungy Writing Studio at Cornell College and is also a longtime correspondent for The Gazette in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Advance Praise for Direct Connection by Laura Farmer

“Laura Farmer’s stories are playful, strange, surprising, and formally inventive, but there is also an admirable simplicity at their heart: an absolute, unwavering confidence in the necessity of loving other people. Although many of her characters are desperately lonely, Farmer cares about them too much to ever let them be truly alone. The reader will likely feel the same way.”

Mike Meginnis, author of Drowning Practice

“Laura Farmer’s artful tales are about paying attention, perhaps the noblest act of love and the surest way home….There’s an instancing about her writing. A beat like a heart’s throughout. An honesty and energy that rocks us. An inspiring aloneness amid a gathering of pleasure and pure connection. Her characters are all finding their way. Beauty accompanies them.”

Marianne Maili, author of I am home.

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