
Missed Opportunities


By the spring of our freshman year of high school, Jimmy had been afforded sufficient opportunity to showcase his general—which is to say, abject and uncorrectable—lack of athleticism. Even under…

Beer: The Smell of Baseball


I cannot help but associate baseball with beer, an association ironically brewed through the sense of smell rather than taste. Beer became baseball’s bridegroom after the Civil War. German brewers…

Becoming a Footnote


THE MEMORIAL COLISEUM IS A MILE AND A HALF FROM NORTH SIDE HIGH SCHOOL, past the DQ where we hung out after tennis practice, and is the home of every…



THE ONE-LEVEL THOMASTON HOUSE ON THE HILL IS SLOWLY COMING ALIVE. Every time the front door creaks open and swings shut behind a new visitor, Annette shoos away the dogs…



“WELL, WHICH IS IT? WERE YOU IN OR OUT OF THE KITCHEN?” Uncle Paul is hitching across the pickleball court with his questions. On our side of the net, my…

Among the Breakers


IT’S FRIDAY NIGHT IN AUGUST AND ONE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THREE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING A LIVE STREAM of two men in Rochester, New York open a thirty-thousand-dollar box of National Football League…